Touching the Sky
Today's palette involves PrimaTek watercolors, which are mineral-based, naturally occurring pigments. The colors are generally more subtle earth tones (I used Yavapai, Hematite Violet, Mummy Bauxite, Sedona Genuine, Kyanite Genuine, Serpentine Genuine) plus some jewel shades (Amazonite Genuine, Rhodonite Genuine, Fuchsite Genuine and Red Fuchsite Genuine). Some are granulating and others (like the Fuchsites) are sparkly. I appreciate the rich and earthy pigments that reflect the energy of the earth expressing through the minerals.
7" X 9"
Purchase information
Includes all archival framing elements: white mat, mat board and clear bag
Shipping via Priority Mail within continental U.S.
Add your own 9" X 12" frame - and it's ready for your wall!

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